Thursday, June 30, 2011

Upcoming wrestling camp at Pendleton Heights-Great Value!

The Arabian Wrestling Club will be hosting an evening commuter camp at Pendleton Heights July 11-13 from 6:00 to 7:30 each evening. Wabash College wrestling coach Brian Anderson will be the clinician. Coach Anderson is an excellent technician and runs one of the best camps in the country. He will have Wabash wrestling gear available for sale.

The cost for the three nights is only $35 ($15 per night if you can't make each night). This is an "on the mat" camp, so bring workout clothes. Shower facilities available. Contact Dave Cloud (765-610-8150) if you have any questions. Sign-up at the door. Pendleton Heights is located at the Junctions of State Highways 38 and 67.

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