Monday, September 12, 2011

Schaeffer, Belden, Rooney, and Gunning all compete at Hoosier Pre Season Open!

Four WHS wrestlers traveled north to Garrett, Indiana, on Sunday to compete in the Pre Season Open.  The competition at the tournament was top notch and WHS had an impressive showing.  Leading the way for the Shamrocks was Lukas Schaeffer.  Schaeffer won the title at 185 lbs. going 4-0 and allowing 1 point against him for the entire tournament.  With this championship, Schaeffer has qualified for the "Super 32" tournament in North Carolina in October.  Sophomore AJ Belden had a nice showing as well going 2-2 at 116 lbs.  Two WHS senior wrestlers competed in the 148 lb. weight class.  Lucas Rooney went 2-2 and Drake Gunning unfortunately went 0-2 dropping his second match in a heartbreaking fashion.  Gunning was in complete control of the match and made one error with his positioning and lost by an unexpected fall.  Congratulations gentlemen on a very nice showing!

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